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Selasa, 23 Maret 2010

Samarinda :)

Hey readers :)
I'm in Samarinda now and I really enjoyed
my 2 days in Surabaya. I really want to tell you now but
I have this problem with this fvckin internet conneciton again and
I couldn't upload my photos.
Well, I arrived in Balikpapan yesterday
at 2.00 pm wita and I felt so sick yesterday. I cried
in the plane. Why? Because I'm so scared. The plane
shaked all the time and the pilot said that we had a really bad
weather yesterday. Can you imagine how afraid I'm?
really afraid! I'm not ready to die! And I saw my mom's eyes.
She is cried too but she just like "Oh I'm okay and don't afraid,
Oline. Everything will be okay" In sida my heart,
I just said "God, if you want me die now, please forgive me.
I'm just a human and please God, gimme one more chain to be better.
amen" and thank's God! You rescue me :)
I really couldn't upload any photos
So this post will be so boring ah!

3 komentar:

Anne C. Afriliani mengatakan...

oh you such a "lebay" girl hahahah dari sd aku travel2 terus bolak balik ke Sumbawa-Jawa-Sumbawa aku sama sekali ga pernah muntah lho! hahhahahh asik ih ke kampung halaman aku jg pengen dehhh

Lorine Kalista Noor mengatakan...

wah ak jg g pernah muntah dri dulu.. cuman pas pesantren kesumbawa kmrn tuh engkel sialan bikin mabuk aja...
mksdku 'sick' itu kyk g enk badan gitulah pusing kn abis nangis tapi gsampe muntah hahahaha..

Ladinia DalinTasya mengatakan...

haha me too.. i'm so afraid even when the weather is bright.

enaknya bisa pulang kampung :)