been forever since my last last last post.
it was like 2 years ago, perhaps?
mungkin blog ini bakal tampak lebih friendly dengan dua bahasa kali?
soalnya mau blog walking lagi, not just post and leave again.
just a quick review of my life ya.
so, aku udah lulus dari sma 1 samarinda. sekarang lanjut di UNMUL
(universitas mulawarman) fakultas Ekonomi jurusan manajemen konsentrasi marketing. aku udah ada cerita belum sih sejak 2012 lalu aku punya online shop? enggak ya!? haha what a shame of me. so i have this online shop called "SeasonxxShop" where i sell a lot of things (depends on my mood) but mostly casing hp ya. baru baru ini juga baru ngeluarin "geprekcrispy.lorine" yang udah kalian tau kannn itu untuk ayam geprek. nantilah, i'll catch you up about this later.
terus, hidupku biasa aja.
oh ya aku sekarang ngajar juga. yes, i'm a teacher. i teach pre school and elementary school. tempt les gitu sih di tempat tante. alhamdulillah.
last.. i'm dating kak Eru since April 13 2015.
lol i know right, been a year. he is such a really nice guy i ever met.
so cheesy but, i do love him so much.
i'll catch your up about him later.
this is just a quick HELLO from me.
aku perlu membenahi blog ini. karena kayaknya udah banyak
sarang laba-labanya. haha? haha! bye